Friday, December 28, 2012

Joyetech 510 Review

The Joyetech 510 is what I refer to as a "no-frills" eCig. It is very basic, comprised of a battery, an atomizer, and a cartridge (if you decide to use them). It's operation is equally as basic; if you bought the "manual version" you just press the button on the battery and inhale, if you bought the "automatic" version, well, you just inhale and it does the rest for you.

Pictured above is the 510-T (Tank) kit.

Now as a rule of thumb, any product that is a genuine Joyetech product is built to last. So you don't need to worry about them breaking on you due to manufacturer's defects and whatnot (this does not apply to the atomizers, I will explain that later).

I used the 510 for about 2 years, and was completely satisfied with it. It gave me my nicotine, never skimped on the vapor produced, and had a wonderful battery life that usually lasted anywhere from 8-10 hours before dying.

One advantage of the Joyetech 510 and Ego is that they have the same connection and the parts are interchangeable. In fact a lot of eCig manufacturers use this same connection and it is very universal- just take a look at Blu and other eCig companies-- most of them have the same connection- the possibilities are almost limitless.

Another plus, if you are a Blu Cigs fan- the Joyetech 510 battery and Joyetech Ego batteries are interchangeable with the Blu Cig Cartridges - and wow, when using the 510 battery with either Cartridge, it produces a lot of Vapor. This is an advantage because if you run out of smoke juice or empty cartridges you can drive to your local Walgreens or CVS or most any other convenient store and pick up some Blu Cig Carts to use on your Ego or 510

If you are just getting into electronic cigarettes though, I suggest starting here with the 510 for a number of reasons. Mainly due to price & size, but also due to the fact that it is compatible with other systems in case you decide to switch later on.

Well that's all I have on the 510 for now, be sure to check back later when I review the Blu eCig.

See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Guess it's a nice alternative for people who are looking to quit smoking
